

Oil Heats Connecticut’s Revolving House

It has been called “ultra-modern” and “breath-taking,” and it would be a strong contender for … Continue reading

Circular House Chooses Its view by Turning on Large Ball Bearings

Rotating Residence pivots on a bearing 13 ft above the ground to turn any given … Continue reading

Round and Round It Goes, But How Is the Big Problem

For a while, Richard Foster, architect, thought he would have to use ship-to-shore tele-phones in … Continue reading

House Can Follow The Sunlight!

For awhile, well-known architect Richard Foster thought he would have to use ship-to-Shore telephones in … Continue reading

Revolving Home Presents challenge in Service Hookups to Designer

For awhile, architect Richard Foster thought he would have to use ship-to-shore telephones in his … Continue reading

Famous Architect Designs House That Can Rotate

For awhile, well-known architect Richard Foster thought he would have to use ship-to-shore telephones in … Continue reading

House to Turn Slowly on Wilton Hilltop

The stark steel skeleton framed by a cold iron-colored sky at left, and the photo … Continue reading

Waiting To Roll – Wilton Roundhouse Will Orbit

Work On the new home being planned by the Richard t. Fosters of Signal Hill, … Continue reading